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At the Picoulet Community Center
Co-financed by the City of Paris and the region of Île de France, Crok ciné offers movie programs with a strong vision from the director, using them as a fun, social, cultural and creative tool.
The aim of this program is to give young people elements of content and discernment, and thus enable them to appreciate quality images through movies, in order to develop their critical thinking and their relationship with images, while opening them up to the world and brightening up their daily lives.
The workshops are an opportunity to tackle the themes of equality, love, fear, difference... around movies dealing with these themes.
The workshops are supervised by three professionals: 1 Crok ciné mediator, 1 mediator from the Picoulet Community Center, and director Reza Serkanian.
The result was the production of 2 short movies made by the children and a projection for parents and the center's childcare team.
Target audience: 10 children, aged 8 to 13
Le Picoulet Community Center: "We wanted to give you some feedback on the workshops that took place from June 29th to July 2nd, 2021. The kids enjoyed the workshops. Projections of the short films opened up discussions on various themes with them. For a first collaboration, the general feedback is very satisfactory from both Picoulet and the children."
June 29th/30th and July 1st/2nd 2021
Picoulet Community Center
59 rue de la Fontaine au Roi, Paris 11th
City of Paris, Prefecture of the Île-de-France region

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